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A dog can be a lovely addition to the family. They’ll help keep you active, they can be very affectionate, and a lot of fun to have around. 


But what about when they don’t behave?


When they constantly strain on the leash, or don’t come back to you when you call them?


Whether you’re a first time owner, or you’ve had your dog for a while and you’ve both got into some bad habits, I can be the fresh set of eyes you need to help you get to the bottom of what’s going on. 

I’ve been training other people’s dogs for 3 years and


I’ve owned and trained my own dogs for almost 30 years. 


Getting my young labrador Millie was the reason I became a dog trainer. I wanted to make her life with us as good as possible, and I knew that could only happen if I really got to understand what a difference the way I interact with her makes. 


Training a dog isn’t just about getting them to sit and stay, it’s about realising that our behaviours can have a huge impact on our dogs. Once owners understand this, their relationship with their dog is transformed. 


Owning a dog can make your life richer in so many ways, and I want to help you enjoy it to the full. 


What makes me different? 

I tailor training to suit my clients and their dogs. Training is done 1-2-1 in the owner’s home and the surrounding areas, so the dog is used to the environment and it’s being trained in a context it understands. 


Sometimes, you might feel that you need some information or support in between training sessions, so I also offer my clients email, WhatsApp, and messenger support when they need it. 


What kind of things I can help with 

My dog training sessions focus on things like general canine life skills, sit, stay, recall, walking nicely on a loose lead, greeting visitors appropriately, 


I love seeing an owner’s confidence grow when they realise how much their dog is actually capable of, and the better connection between you and your pet that effective dog training can bring. 


A little bit about me 

When I’m not training dogs, I’m usually pottering around the park or cuddling on the sofa with my wife and my two black labs, Nellie, who’s 14 and very laid back, and Millie, who’s 7 and has an addiction to tennis balls and swimming. 


Do you need help with your dog’s behaviour? Get in touch! 




Nellie – Black Labrador – 14 years old

Nellie is a gorgeous old lady who lives life to the full. She’s very laid back and she’ll do anything for food! She gets on well with other dogs and her and our other dog Millie get on like a house on fire. She has a thing for cuddly toys and anyone that visits our home gets greeted at the door with a big cuddly toy! Her other favourite things to do include going for a ride in the car, having a snooze and a cuddle on the sofa, and having her ears tickled.  


Millie – Black Labrador – 7 years old

Millie is a gorgeous young girl who is a bit highly strung to say the least. She loves going for long walks and playing fetch, and she’s so well-trained and eager to please. She gets on well with other dogs and loves to play; when their owner throws a ball, she always ends up with it! She enjoys a snooze during the day but she has ears like a bat so she wakes up at the slightest noise. She’ll greet anyone who comes to our home with a wagging tail and lots of energy. She’s always on the go, but that doesn’t stop her enjoying a snuggle on the sofa with me and Denise (my wife)

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